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Updated: Jul 10, 2018

Even if I truly believe that we are already a living sacred space,a temple when we are connected with our soul, it's lovely to have some inspiration to creating an harmonious environment around us to keep us focused and infuse these vibrations out. When you decide to meditate, pray, give or receive healings, blessings or working with energies it's useful have some triggers to bring you easily in that present moment and empower your experience. You can also use the following tips to create a routine to remember and honour your Divine Presence to start the day or when you need to recharge your batteries.


That's my favourite wood, I use it in its variations a lot. I start all my session burning Palo Santo sticks and after the treatments, when I'm out promoting and of course at home.

I use Palo Santo essential oil to start the day on my third eye chakra, heart chakra and solar plexus and mixed with a carrier oil on my skin after a reinvigorating shower or sea salt bath.

Some of its properties are:

-Spiritual purifying and energy cleansing.

-Inspiring creativity and bringing love and good fortune.

-Bringing a deeper connection to the divine source.

-Physical healing.

-Energetic protection and the removal of negativity.


As a Crystal Healer Therapist, I'm completely in love with these powerful beauties and I'm very fussy too when it comes to buy them for myself and my work, I could spend hours in a shop feeling their vibrations in my hand. I always go for raw crystals instead of the polished ones and I truly believe crystals choose their own keeper, not the way around. So you don't have to worry about having a huge amount of knowledge about names and properties, just allow yourself to trust your sensations when you hold that specific stone that is calling you. You will find later on that's what you really needed in terms of healing and empowering when you googling its qualities. Many people start to asking me wearable crystals, so I creating a selected collection of jewellery to offer them another way to surrender their entire being with their benefits.


The flame represents the source of our creation, your inner light. ... You can give power and magical qualities to the flame, but the energies come from your consciousness. I love the aura they creating when you lit them up with intention. I normally go for the ones made with essential oils and I finally found a brand which combines essential oils, soy wax and rose quartz crystal for the perfect tin-candle, very handy to carry with me when I'm running my Angelic Healing Meditations evenings.

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