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£15 (50ml)
100% natural 
- Jasmine Essential Oil
- Rose Essential Oil
- White Spring Water

"A delightful mist made with Essential Oils connected with the Angelic realms and the healing, holy water of the White Spring from the sacred Isle of Avalon to cleanse your aura and space, crystals and preparing your environment for meditation, ceremony, ritual, readings and healing work. Great for smudging and summoning Angels and guides"

TO ORDER or visit my etsy shop here:


£15 (50ml)
100% natural
- Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
- Sandalwood essential Oil
- Grapeseed Oil
- Rose Quartz Crystal

"An Alchemy of Essential Oils combined with Grapeseed Oil, the most nutrient carrier oil,as it contains high amounts of  linoleic acid. Sensual and exotic Ylang Ylang is renowed for its aphrodisiac properties and is used in te name of love. Ylang Ylang means "flower of the flowers" and that itself conjures up romance. Considered a effective antidepressent, antiseptic, antispasmodic and sedative.It has a positive effect on immune health, blood flow and emotions and promotes relaxtion. Sandalwood's most important organic compounds are the sesquiterpenes alpha-santalol and betha-santalol.While beta-santalol givessandalwood oil its powerful fragrance, alpha-santalol is primarily therapeutic with many healing,protective and properties. Sandalwood oil have the capacity to help us sleep (also a potent remedy for insomnia), relax our bodies, and keep us mentally alert. Natural aphrodisiac it's also an anti-viral and antiseptic, anti-inflammatory oil.

The particular ingrediet of this special blend dedicated to Yeshua and Magdalene as the Divine masculine and Divine feminine in One, is the presence of a Rose Quartz Crystal in each bottle. Rose Quartz Crystal is the stone of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, the way it facilitates love entering your life is through it’s ability to bring your consciousness to a higher level. Helping you to forgive, understand and see fights or situations from a different perspective, rose quartz healing properties will imbue you with the wisdom to deepen your connection with your partner. In that same way, rose quartz properties provide gentle energy that assists you in recognizing your own need for compassion. It allows you to see that you deserve forgiveness and understanding from yourself. Associated with the element of water, rose quartz healing properties are naturally fluid. They wash out toxic energies and emotions that you have trapped inside of you. Negativity which you have been holding onto will flow out as pure thoughts of unequivocal love flow in. It may come as no surprise that this crystal is associated with the heart chakra. The rose quartz property of restoring trust is one of its most powerful and important uses. A UNIQUE GIFT FOR YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONE. I really want to spend few more words about this powerful oil because I've been guided to create it to balance the feminine & masculine energies in us to embrace our true essence that manifests itself in UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. You can use it to massage, anoint, give and receive healings and blessings."




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my etsy shop here: 



£6 (50gr)
100% natural
- Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens)
- Frankincense
- Rose Petals
- Ivy
- Rosemary
- White Sage
- Lavender
- Dead Sea Salt
- Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Pure Organic Incense, made with herbs collected round sacred places here in Avalon plus Frankincense,Palo Santo and an unexpected twist of the Dead Sea salt. 

TO ORDER or visit
my etsy shop here: 


£15 (50ml)
100% organic
- May Chang Essential Oil
- Rosemary Essential Oil
- Lavender Essential Oil
- Red Spring Water
- Clear Quartz Crystal

Higher Self Vibrational Spray. Using all organic essential oils, I created an incredible blend combined with the properties of the Clear Quartz Crystal that helps you raising your vibrations. This energising spray attunes you with your SOUL STAR chakra, opening the gates to reach a higher state of self awareness. You can use it in your spiritual practices or when you need a boost of energy. Its phenomenal scent makes your energetic wings spread and fly!

TO ORDER or visit
my etsy shop here: 


£15 (50ml)
100% organic
- 7 Essential Oils
- 7 Crystals 
- Red & White Spring Water

Crystal Balance Spray.

A blend of 7 Organic Essential Oils combined with the Red Spring Water (feminine energies) & White Spring Water (masculine energies) from the sacred Isle of Avalon and 7 different Crystals that correspond to 7 Archangels and Chakras ( clear quartz, amathyst, blue agate, rose quartz, aventurine, yellow calcite, red calcite). 

The four elements in one bottle:

Fire: the oils

Water : the healing and balanced water of the holy Springs of Avalon

Earth: the Crystals

Air: the Spray

7 Rays using all the properties of Essential Oils, Crystals and healing Waters according with the vibrations of the 7 Archangels to hold you in perfect balance.

TO ORDER or visit
my etsy shop at: 


£15 (50ml)
100% organic
- Sweet Orange Essential Oil
- Rose Absolute Essential Oil
- Frankincense Essential Oil
- Red Spring Water from the Chalice Well, Glastonbury

Unicorn blessings on you. Reach your goals with this amazing combination of organic essential oils and the sacred water from the Chalice Well. Pro-spirit, prosperity spray...Let it flow!

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